#MustRead: Answer your Biggest Queries through ‘Treasure Trove of Zodiacs’ by Tanuj Lalchandani!

Astrology has fascinated and intrigued many people over the years. Mastering it requires years of practice in its various branches. One of the most popular and the easiest parameter for classifying people is their zodiac sign which is simply based on a person’s date of birth.

Each person is unique. Their uniqueness comes from a combination of various planetary positions at the time of birth. Sometimes, when things don’t work as planned and you face lot of obstacles in your goals, many questions arise in your mind casting a doubtful shadow over your efforts and intention. You look up for answers in all credible and scientific resources available around you and go for one that offers the most logical explanation. Astrology is also a science that plants the much needed ray of hope in a depressed soul. Without a doubt, a person’s zodiac sign is one important aspect which is useful in determining one’s personality.

The context remains incomplete without the mention of the expert astrologer, Tanuj Lalchandani whose new book, “Treasure Trove of Zodiacs” strives to delve into the personality of each zodiac sign and identify their defining traits. It further explores the personality of men and women of each zodiac.


The book from the outset looks promising. Its colours attract one towards picking it up. The writing is simple with no astrological lingo. At 176 pages, this book would definitely engross the reader. Not only would you read your own zodiac but would also be tempted to go through your family members’ signs.

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The best part about the book is that apart from a generic description, it also provides a separate detailed personality analysis of men as well women belonging to each sign. It discusses matters related to the heart, money, health, career and parenthood with an easy and understandable approach.

Go ahead and grab your copy today from Amazon.

For those seeking answers regarding their professional, financial or personal lives, get in touch with Tanuj Lalchandani here.

Categories: Arts & Literature
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.