Here is an addition to your stock of vocab. For the rain-lovers out there is your additional enjoyment.
1. Sirimiri
Noun, A light rain, a fine drizzle. Origin, Latin.
2. Brontide
Noun, The low rumble of distant thunder. Origin, English.
3. Pluviophile
Noun, A lover of rain, someone who finds peace of mind during rainy days.
4. Petrichor
Noun, The scent of rain on dry earth.
5. Hoppipolla
Phrase or Verb, Jumping or hopping into puddles, this phrase got momentum after Icelandic band Sigur Ros.
6. Serein
Noun, The fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or the early hours of night. Origin, French.
7. Mistpouffer
Noun, A mysterious sound heard over the ocean in quiet,foggy weather.
8. Effervescence
Noun, Bubbles in liquid,fizz.