4 TV Series That are A Must Watch

4 TV Series That are A Must Watch

Confused about what to do when you are free and not sleeping, so here I have tried to compile a list of few series that you’d definitely love to watch during your pass time.

The basic themes being love, romance, relationships (and the obvious fights 😀 ), family and all.

1) F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

It revolves around the life of 6 friends (Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Rachel), starting with their days of being youngsters and going on blind dates to being mature and committing in serious relationships. For the first few episodes Ross stays at the centre of attention as being the only one married, it may seem a bit monotonous but believe it will get AMAZING!! With freak like Phoebe and dumb like Joey they’ll get you rolling on the floor laughing but with Chandler being the epitome of comedy, his wit will amaze you, look out for his sarcasm.

2) How I Met Your Mother(HIMYM)

HIMYM again is filmed in lives of 5 friends (Marshall, Lily, Robin, Barney, Ted) but completely different scenario than FRIENDS. Don’t worry if the themes may sound a bit similar for both of these you won’t even see any hint of any copy from one another, both are different but both are masterpieces. It starts from the love life of Marshall and Lily which begins from the very first scene and basically revolves around TED and his search for ‘The One’. Ted and Barney being the different poles, Ted searches for the perfect girl and Barneyyy… well insists on one- night stands and his dialogues regarding all his playboy life are the funniest things which do not get older or boring even till the last scene of last season.

3) Mom

Christy and Bonnie, daughter and mother respectively. Bonnie used to be a drunkard and single-handedly cared for Christy. Now Christy cursed her mom for being a drunk and way she grew her up but Christy at a time then decides to be sober(yes also used to be drunkard). Not to reveal much but the irony kicks in and it KICKS IN HARD, Christy now tries to pull together her life managing her family, work and all. It gets funnier as it gets older.

4) The Mindy Project

By Mindy On Mindy For Mindy. Her character is based on her real-life mom but much improvised. At the centre is obviously Mindy, an obstetrician / gynaecologist as her real mom. It revolves around how she balances her personal and professional life all by herself with some quirky co-workers. A good thing to pass the time.

For just some heads up, don’t watch them with your parents around 😛 , all of these are filmed in the USA and they are way ahead of us with context to the content they add and may be disapproved here by older generations. I was in my childhood when F.R.I.E.N.D.S was aired and you will get to know what I am trying to say when you see it.
Another thing, if you have not watched any of them try F.R.I.E.N.D.S and HIMYM first, absolutely amazing both of them. And don’t watch The Big Bang theory if you have something better going on in your life, it’s not even 1% of any of both of these.

You can search for their timings on TV or stream live as provided by few sites or you always have torrents for the rescue. Have a happy time ahead!☺

Categories: Arts & Literature
Siddharth Sachdeva: I live the life I love and I love the life I live. Atheist, but just until the plane starts falling. Follow on insta @cadburysid