12 Most Scintillating Words in English

Have you ever fallen in love with the beauty of words? Do new words excite you? The sound that every alphabet produces, the way they roll over your tongue, the immeasurable ecstasy you experience in using them, studying their syntax, the sensual pleasure of pronouncing them, does this all ring bells? Is oxford dictionary always on your bookshelf? Well,if yes, you are qualified to be called a logophile with an artistic bent of mind. Enjoy the space below!

1.Epiphany : A moment of sudden and great revelation


2.Ethereal : Extremely light and delicate that seems heavenly


3.Trance : A half-conscious state


4.Serendipity : The beneficial occurrence of events by chance


5.Anathema : Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes


6.Aplomb : Self confidence or assurance


7.Clandestine : Kept secret


8.Utopia : An imagination where everything is perfect


9.Euphoria : A state of intense excitement and happiness


10.Lissome : Thin,supple and graceful


11.Coquette : Behave flirtatiously


12.Quintessential : Representing the most typical example of a quality or class

Categories: Arts & Literature
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.